Monday, July 18, 2011

Teaching a Dyslexic Child


Disleksia adalah satu masalah pembelajaran iaitu kesukaran mengenal huruf, membaca, menulis, mendengar dan bercakap disebalik pengajaran yang cukup dan peluang budaya yang sempurna. Sebenarnya masalah ini bukanlah satu penyakit dan ia tidak memerlukan ubat untuk mengubatinya, sebaliknya dengan program pendidikan yang sesuai masalah ini dapat dikurangkan. Disleksia juga bukan disebabkan kecerdasan yang lemah serta penglihatan tetapi seseorang disleksia tidak mengecam sesuatu dalam keadaan terbalik. Ternyata sekali disleksia menghuraikan sesuatu kelainan dalam otak, selalunya ia adalah pemberian Tuhan yang terus berkembang dalam diri seseorang dengan cara yang berlainan.

“Dyslexia is a reading difficulty in a child or adult who otherwise has good intelligence, strong motivation and adequate schooling……Dyslexia reflects a problem within the language system in the brain” ( Shaywitz, 2003 )

The best “treatment” for dyslexia is using the right teaching methods to establish a strong learning foundation for the child, especially in the areas of spelling, reading and calculation. Once this foundation is built, most dyslexic children can go on to lead normal lives like their peers.

Specific teaching techniques have been shown to give positive results in helping a dyslexic child learn. One commonly used teaching approach is the “multisensoryapproach”, whereby the child is taught using more than one of his / her senses. For example, just reading or listening or doing work with their hands ( feeling letter blocks etc ) separately might not be as effective as a combination of all.

Children with dyslexia have difficulty focusing. Therefore, it is more effective to teach them with many short breaks in between compared to teaching continuously for long hours.

When teaching dyslexia children, always incorporate creative and fun methods such as learning games. These days many online / computer programms are available to provide such resources.

Using different colour markers / chalks / blocks / learning equipment also help lthe child to learn better.

When teaching, always give instruction slowly and loudly to make sure the child understands. Repetition may also be necessary. For example, when teaching the child similar sounding words, verbalisethe words clearly and blend the sounds for them.

At the end of the day, the important thing to remember when teaching your child is to be patient and try different teaching methods to find the one that suits our child the best.



Emma Nyiu said...

lama tak update kan..hehe

nEedYbOy streET said...

tringat anak kwn ada dyslexic...
tu nak kongsi..